星期五, 9月 08, 2006


星期二的朋友小聚中,友人再次提及我數年前的一些小事‧話說那時無聊的時候,碰巧有一些又大熱又易唱的英文歌,我都會把他們來把玩‧玩的是硬翻譯‧意思是將那些英文歌詞,搬字過紙的變成廣東話‧過程不會理會旋律跟廣東話發音合襯與否,也不會作任何詞彙上的修飾,只要能唱出來便成‧其中最經典和到現時還在朋友圈內為人記得的,便要算是娜姐的 MUSIC 了,他們最喜歡的一句便是 “音樂~ 令到啲人~ 走埋一齊~ 耶”‧那天,他們要我快快的把當年的爛譯本找回來,下次可以大家一起唱‧既然大家喜歡,小弟獻醜了‧

HEY Mr. D.J., put a record on (唏,唱片騎師, 播首歌我聽)
I wanna dance with my baby (我想同我既愛人跳舞)

Hey Mister D.J. put a record on (唏,唱片騎師, 播首歌我聽)
I wanna dance with my baby (我想同我既愛人跳舞)
And when the music starts (當嗰啲音樂响起)
I never wanna stop (我就唔想停)
It's gonna drive me crazy (佢會令到我地顛左)

Music makes the people come together (音樂, 令到啲人, 走埋一齊)
Music makes the bourgeoisie and the rebels

(音樂, 令到中產階級,仲有飛仔)

Don't think of yesterday (咪鬼諗昨天)
and don't look at the clock (又唔好睇個鐘)
I like to boogie-woogie, uh, uh (我鐘意郁身郁世, 喔, 喔)
It's like ridin' on the wind (好似去鬼左兜風)
And it never goes away (永遠唔會停)
Touches everything I'm in (每一樣都要摸吓)
Got to have it every day (仲要每日都要有)

Do you like to boogie-woogie (你鐘唔鐘意郁身郁世)
Do you like to boogie-woogie (你鐘唔鐘意郁身郁世)

另外還有一首是 Michael Learn To Rock (米高學搖擺) 的,譯文如下‧ 但對不起,我沒有此原曲‧

Baby won't you tell me why (寶貝你話唔話我知)
there is sadness in your eyes (點解你眼內會有憂傷)
I don't wanna say goodbye to you (我根本唔想同你講再見)
Love is one big illusion (愛是一個大幻象)
I should try to forget (我好應該要去忘記)
But there is something left in my head (但有0的野會留係我個頭)
You're the one who set it up (係你先要開始既)
Now you're the one to make it stop (家吓你又要停止)
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now (你令到我家陣好鬼迷失)
Now you want me to forget (你要我唔好記得)
every little thing you said (你講過既各樣細野)
But there is something left in my head (但有0的野會留係我個頭)

I won't forget (我唔忘記)
the way you're kissing (我地點接吻)
The feelings so strong (個感覺好強)
were lasting for so long (仲維持左好耐)
But I'm not the man (但我唔係嗰個)
your heart is missing (你會掛住既人)
That's why you go away (所以你走左去)
I know (我知)

You were never satisfied (你永遠都唔滿足)
no matter how I tried (無論我幾落力做)
Now you wanna say goodbye to me (家吓你想同我講再見)
Love is one big illusion (愛是一個大幻象)
I should try to forget (我好應該要去忘記)
But there is something left in my head (但有0的野會留係我個頭)

Sitting here all alone (自己坐係呢度)
in the middle of nowhere (都唔知係邊度)
Don't know which way to go (唔知去邊度好)
There ain't so much to say now between us (家下大家都無乜野好講)
There ain't so much for you (無野同你再講)
There ain't so much for me anymore (再無野會同你好講)


2 則留言:

F4 說...

期待另外的一些歌曲, 包括娜姐的"sorry"...

匿名 說...

哇嘩...咁樣唱法都好過癮下喎,會唔會笑爆咀,跟住唱唔到度架... ^^