剛看完亦舒的新書 "燦爛的美元",好久都沒有覺得她的小說好看的了,但這次卻看得淚流滿面‧不是故事特別感人,只是有點兒感動‧一只小狗沒有因為從前所受的苦痛而改變自身天賦的本領,卻仍忘記過去,担當起安慰別人的角式,給身邊的人的心靈帶來了希望和快樂‧人也都應如是的嗎? 可惜大多數卻是逆路而行... 所以都經常說,世界上最邪惡的,都是首要推選人類吧... 真的是死不足惜...
看完了書以後,心裡埋藏已久的點子又再走出來‧數年前寫過家中大小姐的三部曲 "妙芝的前半生" 都引來一點點的回響,朋友看完以後都紛紛走來問候,說是否家中的妙芝有啥問題,令我要寫長長的三篇來描繪她的生活‧其實無他,都只是想作一點記錄吧了‧
至於另外兩只千金,都不是沒想過,但都只是懶於行動而已,其實早已在年初也將題目和方向想好了‧ "妙芝的前半生" 是從亦舒的 "我的前半生" 書名而來‧已想好的也有從電影而來的 "親切的金仔",還有最後結局篇的,借歌名一用便變成了 "小 BU 的祈禱"‧如果有幸除去自己懶散的劣根性,那便可以將書本電影音樂跟我家三千金溶合一起了‧且看如何...
"親切的金仔" - 預告篇
E : 記得第一次見到這個貓兒,很小很小的一只小貓,跟另一只一同的在寵物店的籠內,有點怕生似的‧所以我便立即打電話給我朋友,問他要不要領養...
D : 呢只全只都是金色毛毛的,不如就叫作金仔吧??!! 雖然是貓女,但體形細細的,都可以叫 "仔" 哦...
F : 都唔明白,點解每次來你家,都不見到金仔的呢...
K : 佢都唔知做咩,成日都不停係度舔自己的...
G : 又嚟啦!!! 點算好??!! 點好呀!!! 會唔會有事架!!!
"小 BU 的祈禱" - 預告篇
親愛的上帝,你可能不會認識我吧,因為這是我第一次向祢作出的禱告,也希望你會聽到... 對於我兩姐妹的遭遇,我們還是很感恩的... 如果不是那年那人無意間的過路,我真的不知道我們倆的生命又會向那一個方向流去... 我都知自己的樣子並不特別可愛,但可幸... 其實那一場大病,我總算是幸運的步過了,我記得他們兩人都為我吵過了一次...
星期日, 3月 20, 2011
A : 嘩~ 你好耐無打找我囉!!
B : 都係呀, 好忙呀! 所以咪打電話給你囉~
A : 忙? 你都會忙的? 不是只是四處遊覽嗎?
B : 不是呀~ 我近來在上課.
A : 上課? 上甚麼課??
B : 學些其他以前沒有學過的東西囉‧
A : 真好~ 仍是那麼勤力的~~ :)
B : 你又如何呢? 生活可好吧?!
A : 還好呢~ 生活仍是繼續的吧.
B : 那便放心了.
A : 嗯嗯~~
B : 那貓咪又如何呢?
A : 她們嘛~ 一如以往, 都還可以, 總算叫作健康吧, 不過就是經常的在打架.
B : 嘻嘻~ 她們一直都是這樣的了哦~
A : 是呀~ 我感覺到她們現在又在床邊打起上來了.
B : 哈哈哈~ 忍耐點吧~ 動物嘛~~
A : 是是是~~~
A : 喂~~
A : 其實我想~~
A : 跟你說聲對不起的~~ 我...
A : 喂~ 喂喂~~
A : 噢~ 斷線了...
A : 希望你會再打來給我吧...
B : 都係呀, 好忙呀! 所以咪打電話給你囉~
A : 忙? 你都會忙的? 不是只是四處遊覽嗎?
B : 不是呀~ 我近來在上課.
A : 上課? 上甚麼課??
B : 學些其他以前沒有學過的東西囉‧
A : 真好~ 仍是那麼勤力的~~ :)
B : 你又如何呢? 生活可好吧?!
A : 還好呢~ 生活仍是繼續的吧.
B : 那便放心了.
A : 嗯嗯~~
B : 那貓咪又如何呢?
A : 她們嘛~ 一如以往, 都還可以, 總算叫作健康吧, 不過就是經常的在打架.
B : 嘻嘻~ 她們一直都是這樣的了哦~
A : 是呀~ 我感覺到她們現在又在床邊打起上來了.
B : 哈哈哈~ 忍耐點吧~ 動物嘛~~
A : 是是是~~~
A : 喂~~
A : 其實我想~~
A : 跟你說聲對不起的~~ 我...
A : 喂~ 喂喂~~
A : 噢~ 斷線了...
A : 希望你會再打來給我吧...
星期二, 2月 15, 2011
Room In New York
Some time ago I was reminded of a painting I have only ever seen in reproduction – “Room In New York”. The original painting lives in a room somewhere in Nebraska. The artist, Edward Hopper, died the year I was born. I was reminded of it because it came my way on a card from a friend who wanted me to know that she appreciated me having thought about her during a time when she experienced a very great loss. That to me added another layer of meaning to the image.
Because it is Valentine's day and I am sick in my room with the all too common cold I thought I might take the time to examine my fascination with this image, and in particular what it may have to tell us about love. The painting is clearly a 20th Century American narrative, and the couple are obviously cultured what with reading, music, art, fashion and architecture all portrayed simultaneously in the one scene. They are middle class – well groomed even at leisure – a hallmark of those who are aware that the visual impression they make on others could make or break an opportunity for social advancement. After whatever hard work these two endure to maintain and improve their social position, they are now in a semi-relaxed state to do as they please, at home, at night. She is as severely feminized, by proportion and posture, as he is masculinized; one hopes their strictly prescribed gender roles won't get in the way of their relationship. He's reading the paper, perhaps he's reading the Times. 1932 was the depth of the depression so it is unlikely he's reading poetry. She's not playing the piano – she's about to toy with it - and by extension with him. Her red dress is not sufficient to grab the attention of her man, so perhaps an interrupting note might make him notice her existence. This approach may work or it may backfire. The romantic in us wants to see the two of them embrace and enjoy each other on this New York summer night, window wide open, overhead light, so that we would be the voyeurs in the next building smiling for their happiness. But this never happens because it is a painting and they are stuck in their single American moment forever and without conclusion.
I would love such a New York apartment and would look dashing in such a suit myself. Either or them could be any number of us because they are not individuated and although clearly white, their predicament is not peculiar to any race. The material concerns and outward appearances are just a backdrop to their relationship during those unstable times. The times haven't stopped changing and remain just as unstable. Unlike this painted couple we are alive and can change what we're doing and how we think. This dynamism of ever changing conditions, predicaments and self-perception is frightening but each of us must embrace it all in order to function. I think this painting is telling us to look up from our paper, computer, whatever, and take a moment to appreciate the space between us, within our rooms, between our houses, between Honest Ed's and Kensington Market, between New York and Nebraska, Toronto and Berlin, London and Sydney, Nova Scotia and Texas, Glenburnie and Honolulu, Saltspring Island and Baghdad, Shropshire and Bejing and so on and so forth with all the criss-crossing strings of love that somehow manage to hold this fabric together for now and I hope forever. I get the feeling that exactly how this American man looks up after this American woman hits that note on the piano could very well decide our destiny.
The best would be if he were to put down his paper to turn his attention to her, just as she decides to leave him in peace, not touch the piano and turn herself to meet his gaze. They might recognize themselves in each other and delight in that rediscovery. Such an ideal outcome takes more than heart felt courage and good-will, it takes imagination. It takes the kind of consideration of possibilities as inspired by personal experience, a romantic painting or perhaps even an email Valentine's greeting like this.
By Harmsen
星期四, 2月 10, 2011
看到了今年的香港金像奬的提名名單, 我想知…
1) “葉問2” 都可以提名最佳電影? 雖然我無睇, 但好多人都話只係打打打…
2) “李小龍” 唔係李小龍做主角既咩? 點解呀爸既角色有得提名男主角奬?
3) 我聽人講, 劉嘉玲係 “狄仁傑” 只係配角角色, 又會提名主角既? 係咪想做羅蘭姐既翻版?
4) 有人話楊千嬅都幾熱吓, 如果佢真係得奬, 劉嘉玲會唔會跳樓呀?
5) 如果楊千嬅真係得奬, 鄭秀文會唔會再顛多次呀?
6) 點解啲女配角, 全部都好戲過啲女主角既?
7) 請問有幾多個人睇過 “酒徒” 呀?
By the way, 咁多個奬最好睇都係女主角奬, 今年全部都是影后級人選, 唔知會開邊一個呢?
薛凱琪 - 越南電影節影后
湯唯 - 中國鐵象獎影后
楊千嬅 - 香港評論學會影后
劉嘉玲 - 金雞百花獎影后
何超儀 - 西班牙鍚切斯影后
1) “葉問2” 都可以提名最佳電影? 雖然我無睇, 但好多人都話只係打打打…
2) “李小龍” 唔係李小龍做主角既咩? 點解呀爸既角色有得提名男主角奬?
3) 我聽人講, 劉嘉玲係 “狄仁傑” 只係配角角色, 又會提名主角既? 係咪想做羅蘭姐既翻版?
4) 有人話楊千嬅都幾熱吓, 如果佢真係得奬, 劉嘉玲會唔會跳樓呀?
5) 如果楊千嬅真係得奬, 鄭秀文會唔會再顛多次呀?
6) 點解啲女配角, 全部都好戲過啲女主角既?
7) 請問有幾多個人睇過 “酒徒” 呀?
By the way, 咁多個奬最好睇都係女主角奬, 今年全部都是影后級人選, 唔知會開邊一個呢?
薛凱琪 - 越南電影節影后
湯唯 - 中國鐵象獎影后
楊千嬅 - 香港評論學會影后
劉嘉玲 - 金雞百花獎影后
何超儀 - 西班牙鍚切斯影后
星期二, 1月 25, 2011
可能是今年有些OSCAR 大熱電影都已經上了, 又或是有一些是頗期待的, 所以一直都等著今年的OSCAR 提名名單的消息. 昨晚終於都發放了2011的名單, 一如許多網上各方面的估計, 入選的沒甚麼大的驚喜. 不過, Inception 和 Social Network 則未如之前估計的只有他們來沖擊奬項, 最後反而 The King’s Speech 變了提名的大嬴家 (12 項), 就連另一套 True Grit 的提名都比他們多 (10項). 如果按前人以前所告知的預計和分析方法, 金球奬的結果不會跟 OSCAR 太相近. 那些電影公會, 演員公會, 導演公會的結果反而大多數都會反影了 OSCAR 的最後結果. 不過, Natalie Portman 和 Colin Firth 應該走不了吧. 看形勢, 導演和電影, 都是走不出了那兩三齣了.
OSCAR 很多都預計得到, 反而睇 RAZZIE (金草霉奬) 開心點. “Twilight Saga – Eclipse” 和 “The Last Airbender” 叮噹馬頭, 差不多每項提名都有他們的分兒. 另外今次史太龍都繼續使名, 爭取提名, 不過今次他榮升到 Worst Director 級別去了, 如果他仍有 Worst Actor 的提名的話, 便相得益彰了. 還有的是, 幾個有名的老牌女星 (Cher / Liza Minelli / Barbra Streisand) 再次出山, 便立即有 Worst Supporting Actress 的提名, 真是可喜可賀!!!
OSCAR Nomination List
RAZZIE Nomination List
OSCAR 很多都預計得到, 反而睇 RAZZIE (金草霉奬) 開心點. “Twilight Saga – Eclipse” 和 “The Last Airbender” 叮噹馬頭, 差不多每項提名都有他們的分兒. 另外今次史太龍都繼續使名, 爭取提名, 不過今次他榮升到 Worst Director 級別去了, 如果他仍有 Worst Actor 的提名的話, 便相得益彰了. 還有的是, 幾個有名的老牌女星 (Cher / Liza Minelli / Barbra Streisand) 再次出山, 便立即有 Worst Supporting Actress 的提名, 真是可喜可賀!!!
OSCAR Nomination List
RAZZIE Nomination List
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